Sunday, February 12, 2012

2 3/4 done, 9 1/4 to go!

I'm proud of myself that its only half way through February, and I should be done project 3 today, as long as Dylan lets me knit, lol.
Since my last post, I've had about 6 different people tell me their pregnant, and like 4 tell me they're engaged, and its nuts.  One of my dear friends is having a baby, so this project has kind of turned into "Making Baby Stuff in 2012" but, hopefully I can make enough things for my friend that I am happy with the gifts, and when she tells me I can put her name on here, I will tell you who that is.  Though I doubt she will ever let me put her name, so I'll just have to show you my baby stuff for her without caring.  :)
I woke up this morning, saw my blankets all messed up (I'm a restless sleeper...) and learned that I am officially an obsessed knitter.  I fell asleep with my project in my bed.  I went to fix the blankets, and grabbed a knitting needle, going, "how did that get there?" and then saw the rest of the project, lol.

I was going through the pictures on my phone and realized I had projects I'm proud of that I'd like to share on here, along with the projects I'm working on now.

First, we must venture back last year! September!!!  I just feel like sharing these cute little booties with the world.

I made these cute little booties for my coworker when she had her baby back in September.  I had made them, and KNEW they needed a button, then realized I had no buttons... so I just sewed fake pearls onto the sides as the buttons for them.  My coworker says she tried to put them on her little one at Christmas, but the baby kept kicking them off.  For anyone who tries to make these... use either a soft yarn, or make sure the mother, or you, know that you need socks with them.  This particular yarn is itchy once knit.  Comment or email if you want the pattern.  LITERALLY took 2 hours to make theses.  I sat on my couch with my boyfriend and got them done so fast, sewn together and everything.

NEXT!!!  I work at an Adult Day Program.  One of my guys calls it "School" which it technically could be because we teach them things... I taught at least 5 or 6 of them to use the Knifty Knitter Looms, and so my boss bought a set to have at work so I could take mine home, lol.  Currently some of them are learning to sew as well.  But I have one client who would DRIVE ME NUTS looking for her cigarettes.  We'll call her Katie, even tho I have no Katies at program... yet...
Katie likes to put her cigarettes in her bra (what girl doesn't stash SOMETHING in her bra when she has no pockets?) and so I made her this bag to keep the cigarettes in.  She took home the bag, but never uses it.  She told me she'd give it to one of her roommates... who knows.  It took awhile too... because I was knitting it at work and the strap was just tedious having to turn it around constantly...

YARN!  I dyed this yarn, myself, well one of them.  My ever lovely boyfriend listened to me when I rambled about wanting to dye my own yarn, and this really cool kit on Etsy and for my birthday (back in October, though I didn't get a chance to use it until almost 2 months later...) bought me kool aid packets, some very girly gloves (he only handed me the gloves at first, and told me they were for cleaning...oh Dylan...) and then we went to the store and he bought me a ball of yarn.  He also printed me three different directions for doing this, and said, "I didn't know which to use, so I just printed a bunch..." and handed them to me in this nice little folder.  Isn't he cute? lol 
So i split the yarn in 2, and Dylan and I sat at my kitchen table and dyed yarn.  It was actually fun.  Then I washed it all, I think I felted it a bit, and it got slightly skinnier...  The ruler and paper towel dispenser held this yarn up until yesterday... when I finally got a chance to wrap it into little balls.  Dylans yarn is slightly bluer than mine, while mine is orange and pinks more than blues and purples.  We didn't have green sadly.  BUTS! yellow and blue made green, so we were good, lol

MY SECOND 2012 PROJECT.  I gave the first away before taking pictures because I was just ready to be done with the stupid complicated hat...  So this is project 2.  Jacque's scarf.  The purples are brighter than they seem.  Her birthday was last month and I haven't gotten to give it to her yet, but we must plan a food date so I can help her with a project for school and I can give her her scarf.  Maybe next weekend... or during this week... I'll call her.  Its Purple and lime Green, and white throughout.  It striped on its own, WHICH I LOVE.  I was so excited when it did that, and it made it more awesome than I thought it would turn out.

This is my Mommy's scarf I had talked about.  The hole is for the the scarf to pull through.  6 more inches and its done.  Its wrapped appropriately in the second picture.  I made a scarf like this for a my sister (which started the obsession with this yarn) and my mother wanted  one.  I then found the purple and green yarn and this blue one and made them for Jacque and my Mom.

 If you want a WARM scarf, and want to just knit aimlessly, I suggest this yarn.  Its Deborah Norville Serenity (see picture below) and it is SO WARM.  

If i could afford a ton of these to make a blanket, I would, but right now I'm knitting with the yarn I have unless I have to buy a new yarn for one of my projects.  I have too much yarn and it needs to get used.  Hopefully using the yarn I dyed with Dylan for some arm warmers, socks, leg warmers, something! lol.  I need leg warmers for when I leave swimming, so it may be for that... 
If you have any ideas, just send them.

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