Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm not good at this posting thing...

...and because of that, this blog will never be crazy popular, but thats ok, because then I can post obnoxious crazy comments on here and no one will criticize!

I ALWAYS say "I'm going to update my blog today" and then everything goes nuts (or I get lazy...) and I don't.  So update!  here goes!

Although I've been saying for what like a year... "I'm going to get out of bed at 5am and exercise!" I still have yet to do that, and have decided that is never going to happen, so I'm done with it.  But i'm still exercising at the gym atleast 2x a week, and I'm lifting weights at work with my clients (its the only way I can get them to do it...) and I'm eating healthy, like for me, crazy healthy.  Due to our conflicting schedules, the fiance and I have een going out like once a week, rather than before when it was like once every other day...  I'm one pound away from 10 pounds and I'm barely trying now, I gave up on "GOTTA EAT ALL THIS AND NOT THIS!" and once I did, the pounds started coming off.  Still eating smoothies.  I stopped with the yogurt though.  It was too much.  But now I'm eating like greens and protein shakes with fruit in it and I keep cheetos in my car for those days where I REALLY want something fattening and crunchy and has tons of stuff I probably shouldn't eat in it...  BUT I have the snack bags, so once I'm done that snack bag, I'M DONE and no more Cheetos, until you know, the next day that I'm like DAMN I WANT SOME CHEETOS! lol.

Since eating healthier foods, my stomach is more sensitive to like, cheese-steaks...  this is a problem people,  I LOVE cheese steaks.  I grew up in Philly, if you can't in cheese steaks, you need to move to Jersey or like right outside the city, because it just sucks.  Everyone has them.  My fiance and I went with some friends to the bar and afterwards were like, LETS GET AUTHENTIC CHEESE STEAKS!!! Got them, paid an arm and a leg for them... weren't that great... I was like, "this is what we feed to people visiting Philly?  Is this a joke? I've had better ones at *insert multiple places here...*"  I was slightly ashamed of my city for putting this place on a pedestal... just saying.  But since eating like, lettuce, and spinach... (which I LOVE, just saying) I can't eat like, chicken wings, and beef with fake orange cheese on it... whats that about?

I've slowly started throwing spinach into my smoothies too.  I clean it real good, and just toss it in the blender with my strawberries.  Everyone I work with is like, "ew..." but you can't taste it, seriously.  Especially if you have the fruit flavors crazy overpowering it.

Current Favorite smoothie?  I'm back to the strawberry banana thing... BUT I'm mixing it up with vanilla protein powder, or chocolate protein powder.  If its just berries, I do vanilla, if its a banana, I do chocolate.  Can't have a vanilla banana, thats just weird, you need the chocolaty goodness.

This is how I prepare for all of last week and this week.

You need
  - 2 pounds of strawberries (now remember, this is 2 WEEKS and my berries were on sale at giant when I went shopping...)
  - 2 bananas
  - protein powder (chocolate is my preference)
  - Almond Milk (my mom out of no where bought it, and now we have no more dairy milk... its all almond, and I forced myself to like it...)

and a blender.

Section off the berries into little baggies, I did like a cup and a half of strawberries, and then cut my banana (I only had one...) into 2 of the bags.  I put everything in the freezer and made them the next day.  Thats it.  Stick those suckers (one bag a day people...) in the blender, add your almond milk, and protein powder, or heck just the milk... blend, and drink up!

 I bought a little single cup blender, because I didn't feel like cleaning this HUGE blender to make one smoothie, it was dumb, and I know consumer wise "why buy a blender when you have one?" time and energy wise for ME makes sense, AND! I have the same one at work... So if my strawberries aren't blending because they're TOO frozen, or I'm running late, I have the same blender at work, and the cups are interchangeable WHAT!?  So I've actually gotten up a couple times this week and made them at work before clocking in, because everything is still cold by the time I get there, BUT! its softer and blends quicker.  Yea.  Theres your once in a blue moon update.  ENJOY!!


PS!  Head over to Right Brain Bunch its a website my sister my mom and me put together (actually my sister put it together and we're pretty much just writing stuff to put on there...).  If you want to hear my lovely voice, and watch me knit, go to the Textiles section, but check out everything!  We're working hard!  That websites one reason I haven't updated in a while, I've been writing for that too! (and working ALOT! and planning my wedding...)