Sunday, January 29, 2012

Scarves and more scarves...

I finished the beret and was dumb enough to forget to take a picture for you guys!  Oh well.  I currently am working on a scarf for my mother, and finished a scarf for my friend Jacque...  the scarf for Jacque I CAN show you pictures of once I get one that I like.  I think I'll post pictures at the end of the year, gather the photos all up and just post the 12 projects, minus the beret of course... I started my mothers scarf.  She wants one that has a hole in the middle she can pull the scarf through and not wrap it around her neck a million times.  I'm using knitting needles she bought me for Christmas, so it makes it more special.  After this is done, I'm continuing to work on a baby blanket for someone and will HOPEFULLY start my "2012 blanket".  I am not looking forward to attempting socks again... BUT I WILL OVER COME THIS.  I need to learn to make socks, I love socks, and want to make my own socks!
In other news in the taxikab world... I have started a Knitting tutorial on youtube called "taxikab knits"  I currently posted a video about casting on.... so exciting...  Hopefully it helps people out there in the world be able to start their knitting projects without the help of a person who has been doing it forever.  I had more than 1 person tell me "I don't know how to start a project, I just know how to do the knit stitch" and most of these people I see for about 5 minutes at the end of my work day, so I can't sit down and go, 'LET ME SHOW YOU!' because I'm supposed to be working... not teaching people to knit... So if you want to see the video, soon to be VIDEOS, search "taxikabkknits" or "casting on"  OR just go here:

And you can see me doing ridiculous cast on things, lol.  Enjoy everyone!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Knittings hard when your fingers are cold...

The beret is almost done.  I expect it to be finished tomorrow, and then pictures for everyone!  My boss at choir admired a hat I had knit for myself, that was not supposed to be slouchy, but came out that way...somehow... still unsure as to how I did it, BUT! I did...   And she asked me to make her one.  Due to the fact that I generally can't follow knitting patterns... it never turns out right for me, but I will try when I go to knit the socks... I I have had to take the hat apart THREE TIMES, and change the yarn and needle sizes once.  Once I did that, its kind of coming together, and turning out better than my own accidental hat did...
I have yet to start the blanket, because the hat is going to be a gift, and the deadline has passed AND I have a scarf to make for my best girl friend, and her birthdays in about a week... and I have a quarter of it done.  Because of this, I have changed the blanket to start in February and the scarf to start ASAP.  All for now, Pictures soon

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Projects

After much consideration, and a bit OCD actions on my part, I have chosen the 12 projects.  I haven't decided the order I will complete them in, hopefully I'll be ahead of schedule rather than behind, because currently I'm behind...
I will be completing one blanket, I have the yarn all ready and have been trying to think of a reason to knit a blanket for awhile.  I have a baby blanket started but that's for my sisters first baby, because she started it and I'm finishing it, and Erin has no plans for babies right now, that I know...
I know in October I'm making a beads and yarn crafts.  Its going to be something Halloween related (love that holiday), and the blanket will take all year.  The other projects consist of

  1. Sweater
  2. Socks (more than one pair, I WILL KNIT A PAIR OF SOCKS.  I haven't done it yet, BUT WILL)
  3. Leg warmers
  4. toe less socks
  5. fingerless gloves
  6. scarves (my mom wants one, and I like to mindlessly knit)
  7. Spinning and Dyeing project (I know this isn't KNITTING, but I'm doing 12 yarn craft projects in one year, not 12 knitting projects (:  gotta get that fiber kit...and I'm using THIS yarn for one of the other projects.  Yea, I'm cool like that. lol)
So with the Halloween project, the hat I'm currently on, and the blanket, it does equal out to 12.  I'm still deciding the order besides certain projects, but I am determined.

I have never knit socks that came out right... and I hate knitting patterns, so I'm hoping this becomes a learning experience for me, and an awesome challenge.  I haven't decided what tools to use either.  I know one scarf will and maybe a pair of the socks, or the sweater will be made using my awesome new looms, but will have to see.  Haven't decided on most of the yarn yet.  The blanket, one scarf (for my mom, she loved the yarn I used for my sister Katie's scarf and so I'm making her one too), and one pair of socks have set yarns, because I bought those yarns for these projects, the rest, we shall see.  I used to hate the thick bulky yarn, but now I seem to like it... I like how warm it is.  Posting pictures soon.
I currently have this annoying cough, and signs of a cold, so hopefully it won't effect this project.  My boyfriend will also have to suck it up that I'm knitting when I hang out with him too.  Him and my guy friends tease my constant knitting and claim its my way of entertaining myself while they play Mario bros because I refuse to play it with them.  You wouldn't either the way they play lol.  Plus, I can't just sit still and not do something with my hands.  Crafters curse I guess.  My mother has suggested that I take a Fiber course.  Like an art class at a community college or art place...  It could be interesting.  I have now have this crazy fantasy of spinning my own yarn from sheep I own, but having other people to clean the yarn for me, and me making millions off my crazy home spun yarn company and creating new and cool yarn.  ALL FOR ME! and those lovely people who buy it and make me a millionaire :)  I think it'd be fun.  I plan on looking into it.
So long for now! I've got yarn to knit!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Mission

So a member on has encouraged fellow Ravelry members to do "12 in 2012" meaning: Each individual does 12 craft projects, usually involving yarn... in one year, this year being 2012 obviously.  I am going to look through my patterns, ask my friends, and see what I feel like doing and get 12 projects together.  I'm going to TRY to have it slightly organized, like set deadlines for each project, or if I do a blanket, have it go over the entire year.  Who knows.  I'll be posting project pictures, yarn and project info, different things like that.  Encouraging other people to try the patterns too.
I'm going to TRY to do projects on different tools.  Straight needles, double point, circular, looms, crochet hooks.  Do like 3 on each tool.  See how it goes...

Suggestions welcome!