Saturday, May 4, 2013

pants feel better when they fit...

So don't buy ones that don't fit people.  I know, that made NO sense... BUT!  I keep majority of my jeans, regardless of my weight, because I hear people constantly complain that "I threw out my clothes when they were too small" then they buy all new clothes, rather than working on their weight to fit in the old clothes.  I am one of those people, except I'm a slight hoarder, so I don't throw out like anything...  BUT!  I recently fit into a pair of pants I was trying to fit into.  YAY!  I am also down about 10 pounds since I started really focusing on losing weight.  All that lack of solid food in the morning must be helping...  Gets me to eat a large amount of fruit in the morning.  I also have started adding small amounts of spinach, slowly easing myself into green smoothies.  I need to start interchanging between the smoothies and some other healthy breakfast foods because I'm eating my smoothie, and then I'm STARVING by "snack time" at work.  Then I want to eat cheetos!  They're so good...
But I've started making chicken to try to spice up some salads and like wraps and stuff.  Its kind of working... I mean I'm eating it, lol.  I'm adding different fruits and these addicting string cheese snacks to eat instead of cheetos, and instead of like potato chips and stuff.  BUT! I have not cut these foods out of my diet completely because I'm not just trying to lose weight, I'm trying to change how I eat so I never get to be these weight again.  Today I tried making a cheese sauce for a burrito, or this thing my fiance and I refer to as "soggy nachos".  Wasn't as good as restaurant quality cheese sauce... I think I need more cheese, and more varieties of cheese.  Like you know, taco blend cheese, not just american cheese... and I will NOT use cheese wiz, though, being from Philly that should be a staple in my kitchen, just saying...

Working on articles for The Right Brain Bunch, and trying to design my own wedding invitations because I am not finding anything I like, and they all pretty much look the same, or I think my fiance would go, 'ugh, no... don't like it...'  but I also think he'll just yes me to death (like hes kinda been doing lately, lol.  I asked him which invites he liked, he said invited B. and when I said I like invited A. he changed to those, AND BACK AGAIN, when I changed my mind... so, lol)  Just signed up for some online video course things (not for college credits, just for fun) to aid me, in aiding all you lovely people in learning to knit better.  But educating MYSELF so I can educate YOU.  Thats how that teaching stuff works right?  just kidding.

All for now!


I forgot!  I've apparently gained a green thumb... I have like 7 sunflowers growing in my classroom at work, one crown of thorns, and 2 Gourds that came from seeds that a client gave me.  Love it.  Pictures will come later, as the sunflowers won't blossom until august apparently... but the large stems look cool!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm not good at this posting thing...

...and because of that, this blog will never be crazy popular, but thats ok, because then I can post obnoxious crazy comments on here and no one will criticize!

I ALWAYS say "I'm going to update my blog today" and then everything goes nuts (or I get lazy...) and I don't.  So update!  here goes!

Although I've been saying for what like a year... "I'm going to get out of bed at 5am and exercise!" I still have yet to do that, and have decided that is never going to happen, so I'm done with it.  But i'm still exercising at the gym atleast 2x a week, and I'm lifting weights at work with my clients (its the only way I can get them to do it...) and I'm eating healthy, like for me, crazy healthy.  Due to our conflicting schedules, the fiance and I have een going out like once a week, rather than before when it was like once every other day...  I'm one pound away from 10 pounds and I'm barely trying now, I gave up on "GOTTA EAT ALL THIS AND NOT THIS!" and once I did, the pounds started coming off.  Still eating smoothies.  I stopped with the yogurt though.  It was too much.  But now I'm eating like greens and protein shakes with fruit in it and I keep cheetos in my car for those days where I REALLY want something fattening and crunchy and has tons of stuff I probably shouldn't eat in it...  BUT I have the snack bags, so once I'm done that snack bag, I'M DONE and no more Cheetos, until you know, the next day that I'm like DAMN I WANT SOME CHEETOS! lol.

Since eating healthier foods, my stomach is more sensitive to like, cheese-steaks...  this is a problem people,  I LOVE cheese steaks.  I grew up in Philly, if you can't in cheese steaks, you need to move to Jersey or like right outside the city, because it just sucks.  Everyone has them.  My fiance and I went with some friends to the bar and afterwards were like, LETS GET AUTHENTIC CHEESE STEAKS!!! Got them, paid an arm and a leg for them... weren't that great... I was like, "this is what we feed to people visiting Philly?  Is this a joke? I've had better ones at *insert multiple places here...*"  I was slightly ashamed of my city for putting this place on a pedestal... just saying.  But since eating like, lettuce, and spinach... (which I LOVE, just saying) I can't eat like, chicken wings, and beef with fake orange cheese on it... whats that about?

I've slowly started throwing spinach into my smoothies too.  I clean it real good, and just toss it in the blender with my strawberries.  Everyone I work with is like, "ew..." but you can't taste it, seriously.  Especially if you have the fruit flavors crazy overpowering it.

Current Favorite smoothie?  I'm back to the strawberry banana thing... BUT I'm mixing it up with vanilla protein powder, or chocolate protein powder.  If its just berries, I do vanilla, if its a banana, I do chocolate.  Can't have a vanilla banana, thats just weird, you need the chocolaty goodness.

This is how I prepare for all of last week and this week.

You need
  - 2 pounds of strawberries (now remember, this is 2 WEEKS and my berries were on sale at giant when I went shopping...)
  - 2 bananas
  - protein powder (chocolate is my preference)
  - Almond Milk (my mom out of no where bought it, and now we have no more dairy milk... its all almond, and I forced myself to like it...)

and a blender.

Section off the berries into little baggies, I did like a cup and a half of strawberries, and then cut my banana (I only had one...) into 2 of the bags.  I put everything in the freezer and made them the next day.  Thats it.  Stick those suckers (one bag a day people...) in the blender, add your almond milk, and protein powder, or heck just the milk... blend, and drink up!

 I bought a little single cup blender, because I didn't feel like cleaning this HUGE blender to make one smoothie, it was dumb, and I know consumer wise "why buy a blender when you have one?" time and energy wise for ME makes sense, AND! I have the same one at work... So if my strawberries aren't blending because they're TOO frozen, or I'm running late, I have the same blender at work, and the cups are interchangeable WHAT!?  So I've actually gotten up a couple times this week and made them at work before clocking in, because everything is still cold by the time I get there, BUT! its softer and blends quicker.  Yea.  Theres your once in a blue moon update.  ENJOY!!


PS!  Head over to Right Brain Bunch its a website my sister my mom and me put together (actually my sister put it together and we're pretty much just writing stuff to put on there...).  If you want to hear my lovely voice, and watch me knit, go to the Textiles section, but check out everything!  We're working hard!  That websites one reason I haven't updated in a while, I've been writing for that too! (and working ALOT! and planning my wedding...)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lent is a time for.... not eating meat.

So do to my Catholic upbringing, I am writing about LENT.  Yes ladies and gents, Lent starts tomorrow... My lovely boss talked me into giving up bread with her, and by bread she means, so pastas, no bread (obviously), bagels, sandwiches, pie crusts... basically anything flaky, AND starting tomorrow (you do it on Ash Wednesday too...) can't eat meat on Fridays or Ash Wednesday.  I had ice cream tonight because I'm going to try cutting out some sweets as well... we'll see how long this lasts...  won't be fun.  BUT! That's what its about! Doing something to change you into a better person, and doing something challenging.  So if you don't drink soda very often already DON'T GIVE UP SODA! give up something else, give up alcohol or something.

Anyway!  I've been scouring the internet trying to find different recipes for making lunches for work.  One can only eat salad so many times in a row.  I can make wraps using lettuce and various dip type foods (tuna or chicken salad with cucumbers and other vegetables, I haven't actually come up with any besides that yet...)  I see myself eating a large amount of fruit... and salad.  I am open to any suggestions!  I promised pictures last week., so thus I give you alot of pictures... Sorry.

To start:

My boss was going to throw out all these blue berries and strawberries or have the clients eat them... I in turn went, "can't we just blend them up?"  SO I DID!  We used blueberries, strawberries, 3 bananas and ice, and made 3 pitchers full of smoothie.  My clients love this stuff, I don't suggest making it ahead of time though unless you plan on making it like water ice or something because it gets jelled slightly if you leave it sitting out because the juice separates from the rest of it so...

 My sister and my mother are big into baking.  Below is the cupcake my big sister made me on Sunday, just because it was Sunday and she felt like making cupcakes...  Obviously she got creative...

This is the "Jelly Roll" my mother made for my dads birthday last week.  Its angel food cake (from a box...) home made whipped cream, and strawberries.  You can apparently make Angel food cake in a pan... or a muffin or cupcake tin... so my mother did it in a cookie sheet.  Then she coated it in powdered sugar, and it had to sit like that in a towel or something for awhile, THEN she filled the whole thing with the whipped cream and the strawberries, rolled it up covered it in powdered sugar again and wrapped it in a towel (coated in powdered sugar) and let it sit.  IT WAS DELICIOUS!  I don't know how many calories it was, but it was good...

I forget why my mother made this cupcake... but it was good as well.  I got dirty looks from my clients.  This was eaten awhile ago.

Whilst making my first batch of smoothies I found a raspberry that looked like a heart.  I loved it.

Time for smoothies!!

Chocolate Strawberry-raspberry smoothie.

  1. 1 cup strawberries
  2. 1 cup raspberries
  3. 1 cup yogurt
  4. 1 scoop protein powder
  5. teaspoon of agave nectar
Makes like 3 smoothies at 1 cup each.  I usually put ice in them in the morning and shake it again.  Makes it foamy, I love it.  :)

THEN! I went to the grocery store with my other and got mixed frozen fruit (I LOVE THIS by itself, so in a smoothie? OMG)

Mixed Fruit Smoothie

  1. 2 cups of Dole frozen mixed fruit.
  2. 1 cup of greek yogurt (I use plain, but I say taste is taste, so whatever you want to eat is good, just check the calories and stuff first!)
  3. teaspoon or Agave nectar
 Blend it all up, DRINK!  Again, makes like 3 (I only drink about a cup, cup and a half each morning)

This was my lunch last week.  Salad, cucumbers, carrots, cheese!  I love cheese...

Another lunch day.  Cherry tomatoes, in a salad with cucumbers (I also love cumbers, luckily, my fiance does not, So i can eat his.  YES!)  And half a pita pocket with turkey, lettuce and mayonnaise. 

I do everything now by measurements.  If it says a serving size is 1 tablespoon, I get out a teaspoon and measure out a teaspoon... my tupperware has measurement marks on it, so I can measure without dirtying more stuff too!!  

NOW I go to find more foods to eat seeing as I can't eat break Until the end of March... it doesn't seem like a long time, but I LOVE bread, and I love things with breading... hopefully it will change how I eat and my obvious bread addiction... and expand my ability to make various foods.  We shall see!

Happy Knitting! Happy Life!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


So remember how I said that I was going to drag myself out of bed last Monday at 5am and go to the gym?  Yea, never happened...  It was really cold here in PA and crazy winds blowing, and bad weather, so like I said, never happened...   Monday I just went, "nope... not doing it" and went back to bed.  Tuesday I realized it was the first time I had gotten 8 hours of sleep in FOREVER, so I went back to bed to continue to 8 hours.  Wednesday I woke up, not by alarm, but by the crazy wind outside my house...  Went back to sleep, woke up to the alarm and when I saw it was 20mph winds outside my house, I went, "hell no!" and went back to bed.  When I went to leave for work 2 hours later, I had to wait for the wind to die down a bit because I couldn't get the door open!  It was crazy.

Anyway, Although I did not exercise like at all this week... I did go to PT and got my butt kicked because they upped all my weights and changed my exercises around.  I also was using the treadmill at work with my clients and lifting small weights when I could at work.  So I say I got some exercise... not the amount I would LIKE but still some.

Made smoothies (thus the title) last week.  And again today.  My one blender of smoothie mixture makes about 3 smoothies.  I could technically make more than 3, but I like to change up my breakfasts so...  On Tuesday I had a salad with my lunch and one of these smoothies for breakfast, and went, "shoot, I'm probably eating a billion calories in this smoothie and don't even realize it..."  So I checked the calorie count for the items that I put in the smoothie

  1. 2 cups Strawberries
  2. 2 cups raspberries
  3. one whole banana
  4. 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
  5. 1 cup of plain greek yogurt.
  6. ice
  7. little bit of water to smooth it out
my mother had me put Hersheys chocolate in it, but that just made it more bitter (i tried a little in one smoothie, didn't like it..)  So I added a pinch of sugar to each smoothie as I ate them (so like, a teaspoon total of sugar...).  This helped ALOT.  The yogurt, protein and banana all have that blah bitter taste... so the sugar brought out the natural sugar in the banana.

THIS TIME around I didn't use banana or the sugar.  I added a little agave nectar, and it tastes really sweet.  Searching for different recipes to make, because one can only have so much strawberry chocolate smoothies with yogurt and raspberries...

We buy fruit at work for my clients, and my boss said to me, "Cut up that fruit, and just give it out, its going to go bad..." and I look at the browning strawberries, not bad yet... and the blue berries in the bowl with it and went, "Why don't I make sorbet like last time?"  My guys are more inclined to eat something they think is a treat, rather than something they think is just food... So when I make Sorbet, they see, fruity water ice and often ask for seconds.  Nice way to sneak fruits and veggies to unwilling children too...  (easy recipe, take strawberries, and ice, stick in blender, blend, done, my guys at work LOVE IT)  So I gave a 3 clients each a banana and asked them to slice them up, and then had another client help me with cutting the strawberries.  A 5 client operated the blender for me.  We made smoothies/sorbet for EVERYONE.  Some people didn't want it, but it was reported that it was good!

So I weighed myself today, lost another 4 pounds, WHAT!?  yes, yes I did.  Heading to the gym after writing this post.  I need to "Build Muscle" more so than lose weight... that's the instructions from my Physical Therapist... I was also encouraged to try a fitness class, and if I was going to do this, I should try Tai Chi.  Whereupon I went, I DO THAT! (I was very excited).  I then had to stop myself and goes, "well, once a month...we have a woman who comes and does it with the clients, but some of my guys won't go if I don't... so I go too"

Basically, they are going to discharge me from PT (yay!) and save some appointments incase I need them for later.  My PT is making me an at home regimen to do, and I have been instructed to build up my muscle, and then the hypermobility website says people with HMS should pumped up the protein intake to build muscle... So we'll see how everything goes.  Pictures soon!  I was going to post them TODAY but I said, "oh I'll update my phone while I type this... shouldn't take too long..." then "an error has occurred" and it had to restore my phone to factory settings, (thank God I backed it up first...) and then I had to restore it from the backup stuff, and I'm STILL waiting...  I had some good pictures too...  Oh well

Happy Knitting! Happy life

Ps.  I even ate pizza this week and lost 4 pounds... WHAT?!

Friday, January 25, 2013

I could have been a contortionist...

So cold weather is probably the biggest pain when it comes to exercise... when I get up in the morning, I just want to stay in my warm little bed and sleep rather than get up (an hour earlier...) and go to the gym.  Thus why I haven't done it yet...
Currently I go to Physical Therapy, as I was complaining to my doctor that I was getting leg pains, knee pains, etc, and she suggested that I go to Physical Therapy on top of going to my chiropractor.  Chiropractor is saying that my backs doing alot better, and Physical therapy is doing a lot better.  ANYWAY! While at therapy the other day, my awesome therapist asked me, "Did I have you look up 'Hypermobility Syndrome' yet? Because I really think you fall into the criteria for it..."
Me: uhm... no...
Therapist: OH! you'll like it, the information is crazy!
Me: uhm... ok...

So I went home and googled and am going to get my Doctor to look into this as well.  Lucky me, I have a 7/9 score for one of the criteria because my arms and legs and pinkies all hyper-extend and I can touch the floor with my knees straight... basically, I could have been a contortionist in the circus... or a gymnast.  I was a diver, so I assume this whole extra flexbileness helped...

Why am I telling you all this?  WELL! funny you should ask that!  Part of Hypermobility syndrome is recurrent injuries and dislocation of limbs, as well as early onset osteoarthritis.  I don't want ANY of that... and their suggestion, "be fit".  So starting Monday, I am going to drag myself out of bed at 5am... (God help me...) and get my butt to the gym!  All information I look up about this Syndrome states that people with need to be "more physically fit than the average person".  So basically my more than 50 pounds overweight self, needs to lose all those 50+ pounds... and build up my muscles AND take in more protein.

I am going to keep putting things on here about knitting as well, because its what I do.... but I am going to focus on health and my wedding...

Finally applied to this job I've been waiting to post.  Fingers crossed I get it because its WAY closer to home than my current job and I need a new job... love my caseload at work, not in love with my moody lazy coworkers... and I have to work on a team...

Finally sent my engagement ring to be re-sized as well!  So 2 weeks with no ring... my finger feels naked without it, and its not a fun feeling.  I may have to just wear a ring on my finger until I get mine back...

This was a boring update...  I apologize.  My fiance tends to be more entertaining than me... but he also likes to start fights on facebook by posting questions to cause people to really think about the things they support and believe in... and it usually ends with like 5 people mad at him, and others making unsupported statements...

I am contemplating posting links to other blogs and pinterest posts about foods and healthy stuff.  When I'm not so scatter brained maybe I will... we'll see!

Happy Knitting!  Happy life!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Today is the first day of the rest of my life...

So my fiance told me that the way to keep a new years resolution, is to make it something you will do everything, not "I will get fit" but "I will exercise 2 a week so I will become fit"  Last year I tried to update this blog once a week, with stuff about knitting, but I never had time with trying to do projects and working and such.

I figured if I wrote about it and had someone or something to answer to I would keep it, but that didn't help with the last one... so yea.

Today, I decided that 2013 was going to be the year of change for me.  I am planning a wedding for 2014, trying to lose some weight while planning said wedding, trying to get a new job that will pay more and be closer to home, AND try to find a house, while not losing my mind...

So far I've lost about 4 pounds, eating healthy doesn't mean never eating what you like!  It means don't go to Panera every morning and get a breakfast sandwich and quit putting whipped cream on your latte!  I eat fruits, veggies, oatmeal, I'm exercising a minimum of 10 minutes a day whether its just walking around or actually getting on a treadmill for like 15 minutes.  If I'm at work I'm lifting the tiny weights to work my arm muscles, me exercising and keeping healthy and motivated keeps the people I work with motivated to do it too!  That's not a joke, it really does...

Here goes nothing!