Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Mission

So a member on has encouraged fellow Ravelry members to do "12 in 2012" meaning: Each individual does 12 craft projects, usually involving yarn... in one year, this year being 2012 obviously.  I am going to look through my patterns, ask my friends, and see what I feel like doing and get 12 projects together.  I'm going to TRY to have it slightly organized, like set deadlines for each project, or if I do a blanket, have it go over the entire year.  Who knows.  I'll be posting project pictures, yarn and project info, different things like that.  Encouraging other people to try the patterns too.
I'm going to TRY to do projects on different tools.  Straight needles, double point, circular, looms, crochet hooks.  Do like 3 on each tool.  See how it goes...

Suggestions welcome!

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