Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day to all the Daddy's out there!  Rather than wake up and begin knitting, I helped my Daddy with the garden in the front yard.  What did you do?

Speaking of Fathers, for brother in law, who's soon to be a father himself, I show you a picture of Baby Bears Christening blanket.  Cables that intertwine.  I tried to take a decent picture but it was difficult.  I gave you one yesterday of it though.  Yes I am aware that there is less footage on this picture than the one yesterday, I took this picture a bit ago and had to go out and couldn't finish the post, so I'm using it now, because it was a pain to get the picture, lol
My mom keeps reminding me this baby is coming and the baby shower is soon and I need to knit faster, lol. She's even gotten into the habit of sewing only when I'm knitting, and if she's sewing I should be sitting in the room as well knitting, lol.  HOWEVER if she doesn't like what I have put onto the television, she goes in the other room an sews... and watches a different station... thanks mom...

Fixed the ears on baby bears hat!  The one is kind of square... but looks better in my eyes than the
pointy ears looked, lol.

There was a general consensus at work that this hat is more adorable than before, so yay!

So I have another post where I show you things that aren't "knit" but I find interesting...
I personally am not a big floral print person... BUT! I love giant sewn flowers and knit flowers, and love them as headbands, however, I work in a place where we need to be not so flashy with my head bands... so I make them and put them on my clients at work, and everyone ooo's and ahh's at how adorable the headbands are.  I'm satisfied with that.  My clients need to look adorable too!
Anyway!  So I'm always looking for crafty things for making flowers and such.  Heres one I found and was like, "LOVE IT!"

The website says that its a "Mothers Day Corsage" thus the babies picture on the back.  My mom would need one picture of all of us... or just her grandchildren (when Baby bear gets here!).

I truly am fascinated by the things people can come up with.  I mean seriously, how creative are some people that they can make all this stuff!   I think I'll quote my mother on this one 

"It's just how your mind works" - My Mommy

I tried explaining cables to her yesterday and how simple they are once you do them a few times, and its really just putting some stitches on a needle to hold, knitting the next ones not being held, and then knitting the ones being held.  She told me that's too complicated, and when I said it was easy she said it was just how my mind worked, that I can see that as simple and figure it out, where as she can't, and other people can't.  Frankly I think if you work hard and put your mind to it, you can do almost anything.  I've been knitting 7 years, so if I can't do cables by NOW I never will.   Now if I could only learn how to make socks!

Happy Knitting!

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