Sunday, June 24, 2012

Yarn and Sand do not mix...

I went to the beach yesterday.  For the first time in FOREVER I did not
A. get horribly badly sunburned (this is a HUGE accomplishment for me...).  This is mainly because I barely was out from the shade of my little purple and pink beach umbrella... and i reapplied my sunscreen like the doctors tell you to.  Dylan was worried I would get sunburned on my ears ears as they were getting really red when we were swimming.
B. I did not hit ANY traffic driving to the beach...  I go to the Jersey Shore, from Philly, and it was a Saturday, and I APPARENTLY went on two major traffic roads and hit no traffic...   I'm kind of bragging here... lol.  Dylan and me were crazy fascinated by this because we have NEVER been fortunate enough to experience the lovely pleasure of driving down the shore, in daylight, in NO traffic.    It was crazy... to us anyway, some of you may be reading this going, "um... that's normal here..."  My dad even said that he heard on the radio there was almost no traffic going down the shore any other way too.  This is me, shocked.

OH! we also! Did NOT pay to park.  We ended up having the walk REALLY far up the boardwalk to get to civilization, BUT we didn't have to pay to park... and no one got mad at us for parking there...

SO! I told Dylan, "I'm blogging about this tomorrow..."  the whole fascination of traffic.  I had intended on bringing the Christening Blanket for my nephew with me to work on in the car, because Dylan was driving, BUT just like my beach cover... (which I was not happy at myself for this one...) I left it on my bed while putting things in the bag.  I told Dylan, "I'm gonna forget something, I just know it..." and I DID.

We met my Aunt and Uncle down there, they have this beautiful house with the beach literally across the street, there's just a row of houses on the other side of the street.  But we just crossed the street, walked up the path and there's the beach!  It was awesome.  I taught Dylan how to body board and how to use a boogie board.  I think he's too tall for boogie boards... I told him we're just going to have to buy him a long one.  The beach wasn't crowded, but apparently the number of people on the beach was crowded for that beach... who knew.

Surprisingly the water wasn't FREEZING.  It was at first, but then I got some guts and just dove in and after that it was like, "oh... this is warm..." WE COULD FEEL OUR FEET unlike other times where I've come out freezing and its like 90 degrees outside and I'm wrapped in a towel shivering...

Can't go to the Jersey Shore without getting Johnson's Popcorn.  And they'll refill your tub for you too

So I didn't get the knit on the way home, but Dylan and I went pregnant lady watching on the boardwalk after we saw about 4 of them in a row... and weren't even half way down the boardwalk.  Its CRAZY  Everyone I know is pregnant!  And majority of those pregnant people are due about the same time as my big sister... its nuts.

Went to Church today, I had to be slightly disrespectful and whip my phone out for this picture... 

it was the verses for the responsorial psalm at church.  I went, "God knits too... nice"  It also made the "WIP" pregnancy shirt on Ravelry seem even more awesome than it was before.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Should be working...

...But I'm not I'm on etsy and blogging lol.
Found these earrings and had to share because I'm an orange fan

I can't so a picture because the blog app doesn't let you do link photos. But they're PRETTY. I've posted them at the bottom because you also can't move stuff around on the blog app...

I hope everyone is enjoying the new layout. As I said in an orange fan so the new one is just more me... The black and purple was cool but I like his better.

happy knitting!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day to all the Daddy's out there!  Rather than wake up and begin knitting, I helped my Daddy with the garden in the front yard.  What did you do?

Speaking of Fathers, for brother in law, who's soon to be a father himself, I show you a picture of Baby Bears Christening blanket.  Cables that intertwine.  I tried to take a decent picture but it was difficult.  I gave you one yesterday of it though.  Yes I am aware that there is less footage on this picture than the one yesterday, I took this picture a bit ago and had to go out and couldn't finish the post, so I'm using it now, because it was a pain to get the picture, lol
My mom keeps reminding me this baby is coming and the baby shower is soon and I need to knit faster, lol. She's even gotten into the habit of sewing only when I'm knitting, and if she's sewing I should be sitting in the room as well knitting, lol.  HOWEVER if she doesn't like what I have put onto the television, she goes in the other room an sews... and watches a different station... thanks mom...

Fixed the ears on baby bears hat!  The one is kind of square... but looks better in my eyes than the
pointy ears looked, lol.

There was a general consensus at work that this hat is more adorable than before, so yay!

So I have another post where I show you things that aren't "knit" but I find interesting...
I personally am not a big floral print person... BUT! I love giant sewn flowers and knit flowers, and love them as headbands, however, I work in a place where we need to be not so flashy with my head bands... so I make them and put them on my clients at work, and everyone ooo's and ahh's at how adorable the headbands are.  I'm satisfied with that.  My clients need to look adorable too!
Anyway!  So I'm always looking for crafty things for making flowers and such.  Heres one I found and was like, "LOVE IT!"

The website says that its a "Mothers Day Corsage" thus the babies picture on the back.  My mom would need one picture of all of us... or just her grandchildren (when Baby bear gets here!).

I truly am fascinated by the things people can come up with.  I mean seriously, how creative are some people that they can make all this stuff!   I think I'll quote my mother on this one 

"It's just how your mind works" - My Mommy

I tried explaining cables to her yesterday and how simple they are once you do them a few times, and its really just putting some stitches on a needle to hold, knitting the next ones not being held, and then knitting the ones being held.  She told me that's too complicated, and when I said it was easy she said it was just how my mind worked, that I can see that as simple and figure it out, where as she can't, and other people can't.  Frankly I think if you work hard and put your mind to it, you can do almost anything.  I've been knitting 7 years, so if I can't do cables by NOW I never will.   Now if I could only learn how to make socks!

Happy Knitting!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Looking good...

Got a foot of the blanket done. My mother told me i should make it about 3-4 feet so my sister can wrap the baby in it. It's not very wide but I've been knitting all day only stopping to go to church.
Enjoy the picture update.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I kinda made a flower!

So I was making an ear warmer for a client (no one specific) and a another client said "oh that's pretty"when I was half done. So I asked her if she wanted it. I then let her help make it and design it for herself. She picked to have a flower on it and held the needles so she could "knit" it too. She wants to wear it now even though it's meant for winter lol

I knit a strip of black yarn and the twisted it to make a flower. I'll do a tutorial If anyone wants one later. As a black flower it looks ok haha. I types this using the blogger app so if it looks funny that's why. I'll fix it later

Happy knitting!

Monday, June 4, 2012

babies babies everywhere!!!

So either there's something in the water in PA.... OR its age, I don't know which... probably age, BUT! my facebook wall is COVERED with baby announcements, and pregnancy announcements and new baby pictures and ultra sound pictures.  Majority of the women I know are pregnant, or just recently had a baby, ITS NUTS.  So on that note, I FINALLY figured out what I am doing with my sisters christening blanket for baby bear.  I love cables, they're simple to do if you focus and they look hard when they're not... so its a blanket full of interlocking cables.  When i get to a point where they start twisting into each other, then I will take pictures and post here.
I also have been searching and searching for a pattern for baby bear (who's coming in about 2 more months! ah! so excited) for booties.  He's going to be born in August, and I love these little booties I made for a coworker, BUT! Baby bear is going to be a little boy... so he can't have ruby slipper booties... because his mommy and daddy would not approve, he needs golf shoes... and blue slippers.  SO i thought I was the only person having this issue with either really generic booties OR really girly ones... and I don't want him to be a little girly man right out of the womb... if he wants to cross dress later thats a different story.  ANYWAY!  I can never find boots or booties online that aren't adorable and frilly or meant for little girls... that aren't like 5 dollars for a pattern... I'm a cheapo, what can I say?

THEN! I was on pinterest! (yes I have that too, same name as everything else... taxikab87) and found these little booties

with a link to the ravelry page

For some reason I can see it without being logged in... that NEVER happens for me.  Then I realized I can make almost any booties without ruffles and stuff and have them be for baby bear.  But I am not good at following patterns... so we will see how that goes...

Working on a new head warmer for another client at work.  Again I am doing cables.  I love them....

Its almost done, I have about four inches to go and then I'm finished so, yay.  May adorn with a big ol' flower once I can figure out how to make them... lol.  Enjoy guys

Happy Knitting!