Sunday, November 4, 2012

knitting is for old ladies...

... is a common thing I hear from people who see me knitting.  BUT! I found an article today that shows that knitting is actually becoming VERY popular in the US, specifically New York, and it is now traveling to other countries in its popularity.  I found this article in a German newspaper (it was on a knitting group on my facebook... I don't randomly search international newspapers for knitting articles...) and was like, "wow... a whole article about how knitting is awesome!

In other news, I finished one of my socks... I don't think i'm getting 12 projects done, and I'm slightly upset at myself, BUT I WILL TRY FOR 12! I'm ALMOST there!  We'll see how it goes.  Updates later.  I just had to share this knitting article with you guys.  If anyone wants to read it, click below!

German Article about knitting!

Also! So happy that Google translated it for me... it was slightly hard to read in English because the DIRECT translation is a little different than actual English... but whatever!

Happy Knitting!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricanes and yarn

So due to the fact that I live on the east coast, I was one of those lovely people who got to experience the Frankenstorm, Hurricane Sandy.  Thankfully I live just outside a major city and not in New Jersey... so I was not hit bad, we never lost power and we only had a rain gutter fall, my dad called it a Down Spout... no idea what that is, but I'm sure after Dylan and I have our own home I'll find out...
The wind was CRAZY!  My mother, sister and I were sitting in our living room watching television to pass the time and keep from getting cabin fever.  This worked slightly as we watched just about 3 hours of Long Island Medium.  I was going to bake cookies, but then my whole family informed me there was a high chance I would not have work again TODAY (which I don't! thanks to PennDot closing every major roadway I could possible use to get to work...and Septa shutting down til like noon today....)  So I will bake cookies for work later today, because I have a funny feeling we will have work tomorrow (seeing as we almost didn't close Monday....) and I will have to have these pumpkins ready for my clients... still need icing and ziplock bags...  I'm trusting them to decorate their own "Pumpkin" cookies.  I've been dying for a reason to use my Pumpkin shaped cookie cutter lol.

Yarn! I spent all day knitting while watching television.  I worked on my sock, my blanket and a scarf I forgot I was working on.  The scarf keeps getting tangled and I'm slightly angry at it for doing this.  I will try to work on it when not baking today.  I KNOW I won't have the blanket done by December, no way.  I will have to work on that every day for the next 2 months to do it... not going to happen.  I tried tho!  I may just make something little for my nephew to be the 12th project.  I did make him two blankets... so I'm good on the blanket category, lol.  I did NOT make a sweater for myself, I hate making sweaters, they never turn out right for me... I think I'm going to start a sweater when the Blanket is done and just have that be my 2013 project... see if I can actually do it.  Just a big comfy sweater to wear around my house, maybe brown or black or something.  I'll figure it out.

Was browsing Etsy the other day (I don't do that enough now that I've found Pinterest...) and I found THIS!

ITS A BEAN BAG CHAIR!  Seriously the things people come up with...
Heres the link to buy it if you feel you want to
Bear Bean Bag chair  Seriously, so cool...

I think I'm going to start browsing Etsy again for Wedding stuff.  I'm in love with some of the things people put on there for head pieces and veils.  I really love it.

House hunting... biggest pain in the ass I have every experienced.  No joke.  HGTV lied to me... they make it look fun and interesting, its not... its really not.  My sister told me if we were taking our time finding a house (we=Dylan and Me) then it would be more fun.  I disagree... I really think its annoying looking at house after house and awkward to go in peoples houses... AND! Every freaking house we LIKE! we can't get because its a damn short sale (don't have the time for it with our Grant) or it gets sold... ugh...
In other awesomeness.  As we all know, I'm an Artist type person.  I can't do math... I hate it... I could never be a doctor because I like the awesome parts of science, not the facts part.  I fiance informed me that he believes I am a smart individual.  I was like, 'WELL THANK YOU!'  I know I'm creative... but intellectual not so much...  I was then informed that he enjoys having intellectual conversations with me and if I don't understand something hes talking about, I calmly inform him of this, I don't go, "UGH! DYLAN! I don't know what youre talking about, nor do I care..."  This is totally me tooting my own horn here... because my fiance is a fountain of useless knowledge and very smart, where as I'm next him going, "I knitted you a sweater!  Look, is blue!" (I know the grammar is incorrect, that's the joke...)  Its fun to know my finace loves me for a brain as well as my knitting skills, lol.

All for now knitters!  Happy knitting!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

long over due

HI EVERYONE!  Life has been CRAZY since my last post, thus the lack of posting... LET ME UPDATE YOU

First and most important I have 11 projects started, and 8 done!  I have to finish the gloves, the socks and the blanket.  I also have to start either a sweater, or another hat for my nephew.  He enjoys my hats they keep his little adorable head warm.  I made him 2, and the second one ALREADY is too small... so I have promised my sister another one for him.  She then complained he has hoodies to wear, but no sweater, and she wants a little jacket for him without a hood.  I may find a like 12-24 months pattern and make him a sweater so that he can keep wearing it through winter.  Hes only like 2 months old, but hes a big baby already.  He's tall and growing fast, hes not a fat baby though, that has to be specified because I think my sister would be upset if I was telling people she had an overweight child... hes tall, NOT fat lol, tho of course he has little chipmunk cheeks like me :)   So like I said, we will see.  I'll probably make the hat because I need to finish the other 3 and I've only got 2 months left!

Second!  I GOT ENGAGED!  My awesome wonderful and handsome man Dylan proposed to me on September 22 2012, ironically on my friend Bobs birthday so I won't forget!  Love my ring, love my fiance.  I had been waiting for this to happen, because I knew it was coming, lol.  I'll do a picture post to update on everything later because I don't have a picture on my computer of the ring, just my phone.

What else has happened... OH! Dylan and I are trying to buy a house, I'm trying to lose weight for this wedding, and we're also trying to save money to pay for said wedding... going to be an interesting and frugal year 2013...

Been going on Pinterest ALOT again... this has resulted in Dylan telling me I should make the foods I see on pinterest for him... I went, "yea and I'll make it a blog like my knitting blog" and was very sarcastic about it... and he went, 'DO IT! We'll make a video blog! I'll tape you cooking for me, then I'll eat the food" 'and then you'll get fat...'  We'll see what happens.

I have choir soon.  Sister is bringing the baby to church to see the organist, who I love dearly and have known for like 15 years now... and she taught my sister and me piano and she has seen COUNTLESS pictures of the baby, but no actual BABY, lol.  SO my sisters going to try and bring him today.  See how it goes.

Going to knit today!  I need to get my stuff done before the end of the year.

Happy Knitting!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

so many projects, so little time...

So thanks to my new nephew, who I would post pictures about although I think my sister would go NO!, I have about made it to my "12 in 2012" quota...  I need to finish the one glove for the pair, and I need to finish the socks...
I MADE HALF A SOCK!  It actually kind of fits too... unlike the last attempt like 4 years ago...  It fits like a slipper sock actually, but hey, better than the other one...  I need to finish the toe and then make the other one... so yea.

Sorry I haven't been posting, its not that I have been busy I just have had other things that needed to get done before posting on blog and I really didn't have anything to talk about besides my adorable and awesome nephew.  My sister apparently took pictures of him in the hat I made him so I am excited to see those.  My boyfriend was holding my nephew tonight and he totally went into baby mode with him, lol.  First he was like, "I may break him... so I don't want to hold him..." then about 5 minutes later was like, "ok... maybe I will..." so to make him feel better I had him hold the baby sitting down (My man is a TALL guy so he was afraid of dropping him...).  He then continued to make faces at baby bear and every sound baby bear made, my boyfriend would make, it was adorable, and Baby Bear was enjoying it... he was so entranced by my boyfriend.

Anyway.  My mother has encouraged him to begin making cute baby booties, So I am looking into this.  My brothers old high school has a craft fair every year and although I believe that i would not sell ANY baby booties at an all boys high school mothers guild or whatever it is craft fair... she seems to think I would... So will start crafting and build up actual stuff for next years craft fair, as I'm pretty sure its the end of October and I do not have enough time to make everything...

Lets see what else.... OH! my sister has a friend who is about to have her THIRD child, with a flower name, just like her two sisters.  I heard this and went, "I feel the need to make the girls all matching flower hats..." and have thus designed matching hats for these three little girls.   We'll see if they actually get made, lol.

Thats all for now.  I am off from work all week this week so I am contemplating beginning those "how to" videos I kept talking about before and TRIED but I didn't like the angles and it was just not working... so yea.  I need a video editing software I think.

Happy Knitting!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

I think I can, I think I can....

I CAN knit a pair of socks!!! and will explain this later... lol

I'm sorry it has been so long since I last posted.  I was in the Poconos and my house has no internet or phone... so... unless I wanted to use the Blogger App, I couldn't post anything.  I use the app when I REALLY want to write a post, OR I just want to write, and I had nothing to really write ABOUT so...

I have been Pinterest crazy lately (If you don't follow me already... DO IT!  taxikab87 is the name) and finding the most adorable things for babies (I'm also baby crazy because my sisters baby is coming in less than 2 weeks!  I found this adorable hat

Above is the link to that persons Etsy page.  I really am fascinated by the things people come up with... Kudos Modistebee you have a very adorable baby hat that I am going to try and make myself for my future offspring but will not make it as adorable as you...

This adorable hat was also found on pinterest.  Crocheted but still ADORABLE.  I can't make flowers like those with knitting needles... BUT I WILL TRY!  Or learn more about crocheting... its whatever... My mother has informed me I need to learn to crochet so that I can make all the adorable baby booties we keep finding on Pinterest.  I'm obsessed, its terrible...

ANYWHO!  The Socks.  I have been saying FOREVER that I am going to learn how to make socks!  I have bought books, I have googled, I have tried watching tutorials, and NEVER has I been able to figure it out.  I gave up.  I was on... wait for it... PINTEREST, seriously my obsession is horrible... anyway, I was on Pinterest and I found THIS!

This girl is amazing because she explained every detail to the simplest sock, and made it so easy for me... I haven't tried it yet but I am predicting amazing results and the possibility of me FINIALLY knitting my own socks...  I will be happy with making even ONE sock and when I do it, you will all get a picture of a very happy taxikab with a sock she knit herself.  All for now, will try to update more in time to come.  Almost done fingerless glove TWO of my gloves.... and by almost done I mean I started it...  lol.  I had it REALLY started and tried to change the size because the last one was too small, BUT I tried and then the stitches didn't line up for the cables... so... yea.  We'll see how it goes.  All for now.

Happy Knitting!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

showers and cupcakes and bears, OH MY!

So I know it has been a bit since I last updated and I am truly sorry about that to all of you who actually read this on occasion...  Recently had my big sisters baby shower where she received a large amount of stuff.  She was thrilled and very grateful and we made her a ridiculous Shower Hat.  For some reason everyone kept asking, "are you going to make her a big bow?" and I continued to ask, "what bow are you people all talking about?" but no one would answer me!   So I finally asked a waitress if she had a paper plate of some kind and she came back with a take away container lid, lol.

My mother and I made cupcakes as favors for the shower.  As my mother describes it and to be specific... my mother MADE the cupcakes (the icing, the cupcake itself, etc) and I DECORATED the cupcakes.
and they were given out in these very cute little boxes that my aunt made.  My Dad helped my mom and me put them into the boxes the morning of the shower...

My mother showed me how to use the piping bags (not offense to bakers out there) and then she allowed me to play with extra icing she had, thus how we got little booties on some and flowers on others.  My mother piped all the flowers and I piped the booties and there's like 3 cupcakes with bears on them, lol.  My mother made the icing then went, "here, put that on all the cupcakes" lol as well as she made the cake part of the cupcakes themselves.  Such a talented mommy.  Now I can add "cupcake decorator" to my list of things I can do but am not an expert at! lol

I finished the christening blanket.  Here it is below.

When everything is done I am going to get the patterns written out for all of these.  Basically it was just a bunch of cables to make this blanket.

 This is how I wrapped my sisters stuff from me.  The blankets in there and then there's an outfit with a little hat with bears on it, the bib set has bears on it, and then the hat I made.  I made a point to tell her that there was nothing from Vera Bradley in the box when she opened it.  But it was very fitting for me to re-use an orange Vera Bradley gift box to give my big sister her gift.

Finally, because my sister is not a chocolate cake fan, and the cakes at her shower were chocolate cake... and cheesecake... my mom and I made her a Diaper Cake.

My mother refuses to take credit for any of this cake BUT SHE DID HELP.  I can not make bows to save my life... and so she made that big ol' boy in the very front.  I made the ones on the side and we just stuck ribbon and stuff around it.  I can't bake but I can apparently make diaper cakes with my mom!

So that's the update.  Sorry it took so long, been crazy busy.


Friday, July 6, 2012

theres a post coming...

I SWEAR!   I haven't been posting because I've been SO busy getting the blanket for my sister done, and then helping my mother with stuff for the shower...  I took TONS of pictures (well not tons...) of the stuff for the shower tonight and will post on Sunday because my big sister can not see any of it before tomorrow!   So excited for her.  Picture post on Sunday!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Yarn and Sand do not mix...

I went to the beach yesterday.  For the first time in FOREVER I did not
A. get horribly badly sunburned (this is a HUGE accomplishment for me...).  This is mainly because I barely was out from the shade of my little purple and pink beach umbrella... and i reapplied my sunscreen like the doctors tell you to.  Dylan was worried I would get sunburned on my ears ears as they were getting really red when we were swimming.
B. I did not hit ANY traffic driving to the beach...  I go to the Jersey Shore, from Philly, and it was a Saturday, and I APPARENTLY went on two major traffic roads and hit no traffic...   I'm kind of bragging here... lol.  Dylan and me were crazy fascinated by this because we have NEVER been fortunate enough to experience the lovely pleasure of driving down the shore, in daylight, in NO traffic.    It was crazy... to us anyway, some of you may be reading this going, "um... that's normal here..."  My dad even said that he heard on the radio there was almost no traffic going down the shore any other way too.  This is me, shocked.

OH! we also! Did NOT pay to park.  We ended up having the walk REALLY far up the boardwalk to get to civilization, BUT we didn't have to pay to park... and no one got mad at us for parking there...

SO! I told Dylan, "I'm blogging about this tomorrow..."  the whole fascination of traffic.  I had intended on bringing the Christening Blanket for my nephew with me to work on in the car, because Dylan was driving, BUT just like my beach cover... (which I was not happy at myself for this one...) I left it on my bed while putting things in the bag.  I told Dylan, "I'm gonna forget something, I just know it..." and I DID.

We met my Aunt and Uncle down there, they have this beautiful house with the beach literally across the street, there's just a row of houses on the other side of the street.  But we just crossed the street, walked up the path and there's the beach!  It was awesome.  I taught Dylan how to body board and how to use a boogie board.  I think he's too tall for boogie boards... I told him we're just going to have to buy him a long one.  The beach wasn't crowded, but apparently the number of people on the beach was crowded for that beach... who knew.

Surprisingly the water wasn't FREEZING.  It was at first, but then I got some guts and just dove in and after that it was like, "oh... this is warm..." WE COULD FEEL OUR FEET unlike other times where I've come out freezing and its like 90 degrees outside and I'm wrapped in a towel shivering...

Can't go to the Jersey Shore without getting Johnson's Popcorn.  And they'll refill your tub for you too

So I didn't get the knit on the way home, but Dylan and I went pregnant lady watching on the boardwalk after we saw about 4 of them in a row... and weren't even half way down the boardwalk.  Its CRAZY  Everyone I know is pregnant!  And majority of those pregnant people are due about the same time as my big sister... its nuts.

Went to Church today, I had to be slightly disrespectful and whip my phone out for this picture... 

it was the verses for the responsorial psalm at church.  I went, "God knits too... nice"  It also made the "WIP" pregnancy shirt on Ravelry seem even more awesome than it was before.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Should be working...

...But I'm not I'm on etsy and blogging lol.
Found these earrings and had to share because I'm an orange fan

I can't so a picture because the blog app doesn't let you do link photos. But they're PRETTY. I've posted them at the bottom because you also can't move stuff around on the blog app...

I hope everyone is enjoying the new layout. As I said in an orange fan so the new one is just more me... The black and purple was cool but I like his better.

happy knitting!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day to all the Daddy's out there!  Rather than wake up and begin knitting, I helped my Daddy with the garden in the front yard.  What did you do?

Speaking of Fathers, for brother in law, who's soon to be a father himself, I show you a picture of Baby Bears Christening blanket.  Cables that intertwine.  I tried to take a decent picture but it was difficult.  I gave you one yesterday of it though.  Yes I am aware that there is less footage on this picture than the one yesterday, I took this picture a bit ago and had to go out and couldn't finish the post, so I'm using it now, because it was a pain to get the picture, lol
My mom keeps reminding me this baby is coming and the baby shower is soon and I need to knit faster, lol. She's even gotten into the habit of sewing only when I'm knitting, and if she's sewing I should be sitting in the room as well knitting, lol.  HOWEVER if she doesn't like what I have put onto the television, she goes in the other room an sews... and watches a different station... thanks mom...

Fixed the ears on baby bears hat!  The one is kind of square... but looks better in my eyes than the
pointy ears looked, lol.

There was a general consensus at work that this hat is more adorable than before, so yay!

So I have another post where I show you things that aren't "knit" but I find interesting...
I personally am not a big floral print person... BUT! I love giant sewn flowers and knit flowers, and love them as headbands, however, I work in a place where we need to be not so flashy with my head bands... so I make them and put them on my clients at work, and everyone ooo's and ahh's at how adorable the headbands are.  I'm satisfied with that.  My clients need to look adorable too!
Anyway!  So I'm always looking for crafty things for making flowers and such.  Heres one I found and was like, "LOVE IT!"

The website says that its a "Mothers Day Corsage" thus the babies picture on the back.  My mom would need one picture of all of us... or just her grandchildren (when Baby bear gets here!).

I truly am fascinated by the things people can come up with.  I mean seriously, how creative are some people that they can make all this stuff!   I think I'll quote my mother on this one 

"It's just how your mind works" - My Mommy

I tried explaining cables to her yesterday and how simple they are once you do them a few times, and its really just putting some stitches on a needle to hold, knitting the next ones not being held, and then knitting the ones being held.  She told me that's too complicated, and when I said it was easy she said it was just how my mind worked, that I can see that as simple and figure it out, where as she can't, and other people can't.  Frankly I think if you work hard and put your mind to it, you can do almost anything.  I've been knitting 7 years, so if I can't do cables by NOW I never will.   Now if I could only learn how to make socks!

Happy Knitting!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Looking good...

Got a foot of the blanket done. My mother told me i should make it about 3-4 feet so my sister can wrap the baby in it. It's not very wide but I've been knitting all day only stopping to go to church.
Enjoy the picture update.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I kinda made a flower!

So I was making an ear warmer for a client (no one specific) and a another client said "oh that's pretty"when I was half done. So I asked her if she wanted it. I then let her help make it and design it for herself. She picked to have a flower on it and held the needles so she could "knit" it too. She wants to wear it now even though it's meant for winter lol

I knit a strip of black yarn and the twisted it to make a flower. I'll do a tutorial If anyone wants one later. As a black flower it looks ok haha. I types this using the blogger app so if it looks funny that's why. I'll fix it later

Happy knitting!

Monday, June 4, 2012

babies babies everywhere!!!

So either there's something in the water in PA.... OR its age, I don't know which... probably age, BUT! my facebook wall is COVERED with baby announcements, and pregnancy announcements and new baby pictures and ultra sound pictures.  Majority of the women I know are pregnant, or just recently had a baby, ITS NUTS.  So on that note, I FINALLY figured out what I am doing with my sisters christening blanket for baby bear.  I love cables, they're simple to do if you focus and they look hard when they're not... so its a blanket full of interlocking cables.  When i get to a point where they start twisting into each other, then I will take pictures and post here.
I also have been searching and searching for a pattern for baby bear (who's coming in about 2 more months! ah! so excited) for booties.  He's going to be born in August, and I love these little booties I made for a coworker, BUT! Baby bear is going to be a little boy... so he can't have ruby slipper booties... because his mommy and daddy would not approve, he needs golf shoes... and blue slippers.  SO i thought I was the only person having this issue with either really generic booties OR really girly ones... and I don't want him to be a little girly man right out of the womb... if he wants to cross dress later thats a different story.  ANYWAY!  I can never find boots or booties online that aren't adorable and frilly or meant for little girls... that aren't like 5 dollars for a pattern... I'm a cheapo, what can I say?

THEN! I was on pinterest! (yes I have that too, same name as everything else... taxikab87) and found these little booties

with a link to the ravelry page

For some reason I can see it without being logged in... that NEVER happens for me.  Then I realized I can make almost any booties without ruffles and stuff and have them be for baby bear.  But I am not good at following patterns... so we will see how that goes...

Working on a new head warmer for another client at work.  Again I am doing cables.  I love them....

Its almost done, I have about four inches to go and then I'm finished so, yay.  May adorn with a big ol' flower once I can figure out how to make them... lol.  Enjoy guys

Happy Knitting!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

love window shopping on Etsy

I know I posted yesterday, and posted nothing about my 2012 projects... BUT I did post about all the other projects I've been working on keeping me from 2012... so now I post like I'm on pintrest (which I do have... search taxikab87, you'll find me)
I once watched an episode of Martha Stewart while in the Poconos.  We don't have internet or cable up there, we just have the Satellite dish that gets channels from Philly and New York, and ONE DAY! I saw Martha Stewart making glass beads on her show and I went, "wow... I really wish I could learn to do that..." I enjoy learning those things.  If anyone knows where, tell me, I'd love to learn.  ANYWAY   I was thinking about that after I saw these little guys on Etsy
the seller is DragonLadyDesigns  <---- there's a link for their shop.  My boyfriend and I had this discussion, that we are truly fascinated by the things people can do.  I think they're reasonably priced too.  I see some stitch markers on etsy and I go, "why the hell are you charging 10 dollars for metal loops with a bead on them?  I can make those for less than 10 dollars at home..."  I'm too lazy to do it... so I've gotten into the habit of just tying ribbon when i don't have stitch markers.  I do plan on making my own at some point but not yet.  I need to do my projects first... 2013 will be the year of the knitting accessories projects, lol. 

See now I can get those stitch markers and these beautiful needles
the Seller of these Koi Fish needles is Dotdotsmile

I just felt like sharing some cute stuff.  Maybe later I'll do it again...

Happy Knitting!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer, Summer, Summer time...

So graduation was fun.  Lots of driving... on the way home I knit, and watched Captain America, twice... because my dads never seen it.  The first time I watched it on my laptop and then the laptop died... and there was only about 10 minutes left!  BUT we stopped and ate seeing as it was Mothers Day... and we had been in the car for about 3 hours already...

Here's me at Graduation.  I look slightly cross eyed... lol.  No knitting here folks...
    You may be wondering... "why the bare feet taxikab?" Random yes.... I jokingly said to my father after my brothers graduation, "Daddy, my feet hurt... you should carry me to the after party..." and he went, "or you could take your shoes off... and just walk without your heels on..."  it took me about 4 more hours walking in my heels to actually take his advice..  I think wanders Boston without shoes on... my dad then realized it was a bad suggestion since my mom was insanely worried I would get glass in my foot.  I didn't notice a SINGLE PERSON who passed me, because I was too busy looking for objects that could puncture my feet.  While in Boston we went to Cheesecake Factory, where I have NEVER been before, but now love... My boyfriend Ironically went there the same day I did, but here in Philly.  We have come an agreement that we need to go back together... because its awesome.  While I was at Cheesecake Factory, this poor lady at the table behind us went to pick up her baby in its carseat from the highchair, and the baby wasn't locked in, and the handle wasn't locked right I guess, and the baby ended up falling out and right onto the floor...  like 2 month old baby right on the floor.  My dad said he saw the baby hit its chest before it hit its head so hopefully that helped a bit... they had a friend with them who was a doctor who almost immediately began looking over the baby saying he was going to be ok... so... I still hope that baby was fine...  ANY!
My life isn't even that hectic right now, but I can't seem to find time to sit and just KNIT.  I get more knitting done at work than at home... and I'm supposed to be working then...  I do teach a knitting group so I am TECHNICALLY working...  I think because its so nice out that I'm not getting anything done at home....  I tried sitting in my yard and knitting last week, but then things came up that needed to be done and I ended up nixing that idea...
Made a headband for a client at work.  It started as me practicing making leaf patterns in my knitting and trying to knit without patterns, just knit and see what happens.  A client saw it and said, "that's pretty" and so I asked her if she wanted it.

I knit the green part, which is supposed to look like leaves... but it didn't end up that way... oh well...  Then I took a crochet hook and crocheted the pink edge to it.  Now it covers my clients ears and she can use it as a winter head warmer...  I'm figuring out how to make a big ol' flower to stick on there too.  Her face lit up when I said she could have it and was even more excited when I mentioned the flower... lol

Here it is finished, the back seam anyway...

Here it is on my head. lol.  See, covers my ears! mostly...

Have I mentioned we have a sewing machine in my classroom too?  This results in me throwing easy projects together and going, "here you go guys".  Or finding projects that require minimal time and concentration so I can have them make them.  One client made a huge pillow, I was very proud.  Myself and a client made the bag you see with the owls on it.   BUT SHE NEVER USES IT.  I made it because she misplaced her change purse and was insisting that she keep her change in her shoes... but then no one wants to touch her money, haha, So I made her a cross-body bag (she helped) and she never brings it to program.

 I almost made this holder for the knitting needles at program.  It was an accident that there was a space for the circular needles on the right.  I measured wrong... BUT! it worked out, because I can keep them in their packaging and untangled from any future circular needles we purchase for program.  I insist that they learn to  knit on straight needles before they use the circular needles.  They disagree sometimes, but it wasn't an issue until one of them brought their OWN SET of needles to program and wanted me to teach her to use them... now we'll see how it goes...  Shes doing okay so far, I think shes making a hat... No idea.  they never know what they want to make until half way through, and by then I'm hoping I don't have to take the work out...

Happy Knitting!

Job interview tomorrow.  Fingers crossed, because its more money and REALLY close to my house, as opposed to my current job...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Driving and knitting

So I am driving to go visit my brother and watch him graduate from college. It's almost 6 and we've been driving since about 1045... We stopped briefly to eat lunch and go to the bathroom at 1 and 5. I was knitting before lunch then I drove from 2 to 5 and now I'm obviously not driving because I'm posting. I've started the blanket for me (or whoever wants it...). It's going to make a nice summer blanket. One you just put on because you're kind of cold or you just hate not having a blanket on you to sleep (like me).

Like all true knitters I've got like 3 projects with me haha. While packing last night I was going to pack my glove but could not find it... So I'm going to have to really clean my room to find it. I have the bear hat because I want to fix the ears and I've got the scarf and the booties too. Obviously I only packed on my knitting... Did I mention I also packed a pattern book and 3 knit magazines? Below is the picture of what I'm sure other "throw my yarn in my purse with my headphones" people have dealt with.

Happy knitting!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Beehives and Baby Bears

So i had the Beehive pattern written... and then left it at work...  I can't post on here from work, so I have to write them down and then type them when i get home.  I'm in the process of writing the bear hat, because I have to remember how I did it.  I am going to try and find a new way to make the ears... because frankly I think they look like pointy wolf ears rather than round bear ears... but the baby won't care, haha.  Plus I can always take them off if I can find a better way to do it WITHOUT crocheting the ears... which I may HAVE to do, but I wanted this to be a completely knit pattern... who knows I'll figure it out.  Whip out my books and find something similar.

This is the Beehive.  I found Fabric on my desk at work and laid it there so It would make the hat stand out. :)

And the teddy bear hat.  Like I said, I need to fix the ears.  Maybe i put fuzzy yarn around the edge of the ears to make them more round...

I posted on the last entry that I have 5.5 projects done, and then 2 started, I completely foot about my scarf I am making, so technically I have 3 started... I have a habit of starting projects and not finishing them.  I'm proud of myself that I HAVE finished 5 projects so far, and one glove...
Still need to make socks (which I am making the baby to match the hat :) but will make an adult size too...), a christening blanket for the baby, a blanket for myself, I want to spin and dye my own yarn at some point this summer.  If I am diligent I may end up making more than 12 projects... Which will be awesome... Lets do a head count!

  1. Beret Hat (no picture... sad face)
  2. Moms Scarf (short blue one)
  3. Kids Scarf (Purple One)
  4. Baby Bear Hat
  5. Beehive hate
  6. Gloves (half done...)
  7. Taxi's scarf (MINE, partially started...)
  8. Christening Blanket
  9. My Blanket
  10. Socks for me!
  11. Socks/booties for baby (may make more than one pair... and some more hats)
  12. Spin and dye yarn, make into SOMETHING.  Maybe some gloves
I am also working on trying to make FINGERED gloves, not mittens.  I had a client at work help me design these gloves by him telling me what colors to use.  They're blue, red and grey.  My boyfriend told me, "You should name them after the client, make a bunch, and then donate half the money to a Special Needs organization (like the Autism Awareness, or the Special Olympics or something).  I would do the same thing with the Beehive, but that was so easy to make and I'd want to put something extra on it for it to be sold for stuff like that.  I just don't think people would buy the beehive like they would these gloves...  WHO KNOWS.  Leave opinions, leave comments.

Happy Knitting.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Knitting is entrancing

So I was riding the train to New York from Philly to go see my brother in his Senior Showcase thing (did AMAZING too) and my mother is talking to my sisters, playing games on their phones with each other (we've all got Iphones, so they play like scramble or something together...) and my mother kept stopping mid-sentence and finally goes, "I'm sorry, I'm just so distracted by your sister knitting... how do you know what to do?"
NOW for a knitter, thats like, "how do you know how to breathe?"  I looked at her baffled for a moment and just said, "I don't, I'm just making it up as I go along...and changing from knit to purl with each stitch..."  I then proceeded to decrease a stitch and continue working on the Baby Bear hat, WHICH! I AM PROUD TO ANNOUNCE, is DONE.  I just need to pin the ears back slightly because they are seriously bothering me and I want them to stick up, not flop forward...
I am going to take pictures and write the pattern tomorrow.  It was really simply to do, I just need to count the cast on stitches.
As previously stated, I can't stand following knitting patterns... so I just made this one up as I went along and it is CUTE!  I may have to actually make those tutorial videos I was talking about for the ears though, because I can't easily explain verbally how I did it.  BUT! I am pleased to say that I will be posting the baby bear pattern on Ravelry when I get it written down for you lovely people.  AND! I plan to make it free, as I hate paying for single patterns...and it was incredibly frustrating looking for a pattern to follow for this hat (even though I despise following patterns...), because I knew in my head, "I won't really use it for the whole thing..." so I just made it up and tried to make it work.  AND IT DID!  yay!

So now I've got 5.5 projects done, one bootie and one glove started... so they will be projects 6 and 7.  The blanket needs to get started once I'm done the booties, and then my other blanket once I'm done project 8 blanket.  Project 9 will be a big old blanket for me.  I knit a client at work at hat, per his request... and his mothers insistence, which I wasn't thrilled about... because I told her I had other projects to finish first, then she showed up with yarn for me to use... and I've got 2 scarves that I promised other clients like last year to be done...  But because I knit the hat in 2012, I included that in my 12 in 2012 projects.  I also included it because I'm very proud how it turned out... lol  I'll take a picture at work and post the pattern for it later.  I've been calling it the Beehive hat.  I'll post a more in depth post about that hat later.

All for now, Pictures of the hats later this week (hopefully Tuesday night if not tomorrow)
Happy Knitting!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

And Baby bear said... I love my hat!

So I've been completely frustrated with my gloves so I've moved on and have begun another project seeing as the gloves have until December where as the baby bear stuff has until July/August so... Lol.
The picture below is the beginnings of my baby bear hat. I hope it'll be done quick because it's knitting up fairly quickly

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A day of rest... and knitting

First day I've had to not think about the show or work or anything in WEEKS.  Need to clean, but I plan on knitting today too.  Our pipes backed up in the bathroom, and the clog is apparently SO FAR into the pipes that the plumber has to come and fix it.  No amount of baking soda and vinegar will kill this drain.  Good thing we've got two showers because I haven't been able to use my bathroom for weeks.  Downside to this whole thing, the pipes are located in MY closet, because the bathroom is next to my room... I find it a poor design for convenience but smart for aesthetics, but still find it annoying that every time the drain gets backed up I have to clean out my closet and make my room look like no one lives in it.  Not exactly fun.  Counting down the days that my sister takes her dresser and I can move into the larger, doesn't have a set of pipes in the closet, bedroom.  Downside, my dad loves to get up early and start pulling things from the attic, and THAT door is in that bedroom...
When this finally happens I plan on creating a makeshift crafting corner, where my laptop and all my artsy crafty things will be, with my comfy chair, so I can sit and watch a movie on my laptop and knit.  That would be especially nice on a rainy day like today...

SO! in conclusion, (with yesterdays post) I plan to update this more often.  I enjoy writing and I ignored the blog because I wasn't knitting and didn't want to admit to almost failing my 12 in 2012 project before I even got 12 projects done...  I think I'll begin my blanket as well so that that is atleast STARTED so I have until December to finish it.  If I start that soon, I will have 3 projects in the works, and if I am correct, 3 done, equaling 6.

Happy Knitting!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

it's been too long...

So it has been forever since I last updated.  It's mainly because I didn't finish those gloves... I am working on a hat for a guy at my job, which I'm slightly proud of and I'll take pictures before I'm finished.  I haven't finished the glove because I've had so much going on!  Out of no where I got super busy and I would try to knit at play practice, but the girl who is supposed to be double cast with me like never came to practice, so I would sit for about 5 minutes, then jump up again... it was a pain.  My show is also this weekend and next week, so that too...
I'm trying to get a second job, and that may cut into my knitting... BUT! it will give me more money to move out, and do some other stuff (maybe I'll travel...) and buy yarn! MAYBE I'll buy yarn in different places I visit and make a blanket or something... it would be fun.

I used to update this before I got to work each morning, but then I had nothing to really write about, so I didn't want to bore the two people who look at my blog.  So here's the update

Sister is having a baby boy, need to search for some little boy patterns... maybe some holiday theme hats and socks... though I am not a big fan of making socks...
Need to order the spinning kit so I can do that this summer, I want to dye the yarn by using the sun to heat it.  Be slightly Eco-friendly.  I started a scarf using the loom I got for Christmas, I'm pleased with how it has turned out so far...  That's my mindless knitting knitting project.  I can just loop and flip and not worry about counting stitches, dropping them, whatever, because it hasn't happened yet! lol

Working on my million dollar idea, that once my friend gets back to me on Copyright fees, I will get it copyrighted and be able to tell all you wonderful people (especially the two who actually read it, thanks guys!) about this.

I WILL make socks before the year is out... I'm not looking forward to it, BUT I WILL!  And I will use a pattern for it too!!  Maybe if I'm lucky during my show next week when I'm not a stepsister, and I'm the giant, I can use the first act of the show to knit my gloves... though that's not likely because I run around helping other people get ready to go on stage so... who knows

I promise pictures soon! and I WILL have those gloves done before May.

Monday, March 19, 2012

One Handed knitting

TOTALLY made a tool to assist in one handed knitting.  Got Dylan to go to the store with me, bought bunch of stuff, made the people at the store thing we were stealing stuff because we were putting it inside one another to test sizes... this made him get real into our project

Man: so whats your project? (totally thought we were stealing stuff, but we weren't)
Me: we're trying to make something for my client at work who wants to knit but only has one hand.
Man: oh... wow, well uhm.. you should try *insert thing that I have no idea what he was talking about* instead of the stuff you have there.  Same price, but might work better.

Loved it.  Dylan and me spent like an hour in the store trying to figure out different stuff to use the build this tool. I can now proudly say I have made one and I am not telling anyone how I did it or post pictures until I get a patent because I am not having anyone steal the idea.  I am just so excited that I got it to work (it needs tweaking) and now know what I have to do to make it perfect.  YAY!!

The glove is almost done, didn't knit tonight because I was working on this tool.  So excited.  Gloves will be done tomorrow.  I have to knit more, and stop getting distracted by awesome projects.
All for now.  Happy Knitting!

Almost done glove one!

Going to knit the same cable design for like three or four more rows then begin the double rib to finish. THEN BEIN GLOVE TWO. I feel glove two will be easier as I already have decided how it should be and have done it.

Going to see if Dylan will go to home depot with my to check out stuff for my one handed knitter. Since he's paying (up to like 50 dollars) I'll see what we can get or look into getting and then see about putting something together to take to work with me for my clients. I'm excited.
Time to work now. Below is the picture I promised. Enjoy! Happy knitting

Sunday, March 18, 2012

It doesn&apos;t look like a glove...

I am quoting one of my swimmers at the meet yesterday. Apparently the knitting was entertaining the small children not only on MY team but on the team sharing my swimmers benches.
Little girl: excuse me... What are you doing?
Me: I'm knitting a glove
Little girl: oh

One of my swimmers then asked where the fingers were and stated it didn't look like a glove but was crazy excited to put her hand in it lol

Didn't go out partying for st party's day. Sat home. Knitting and watching tv with my family. Great saturday night huh? My mom made that new crystal light cocktails drinks (without alcohol because we're not Hugh drinkers in my house and my mom didn't know what to put in it). She inadvertently made the appletini and like a half hour later realized she made a drink drink on st party's day.

Driving to the meet yesterday I saw this billboard that I wish I had gotten a better picture of. It was a billboard about divorce made easy and literally said "no spouse signature needed. No lawyer required" and I went "wow... You can get a divorce in Jersey without your spouses" and took a bad picture of it. Because I was at the light and it changed

So you WOULD see below the picture of the gloves as they are currently, but wrote this from my phone and the photo didn't work... I'm gonna try and finish at least this one today and hopefully have pictures up on Tuesday or wednesday at the latest. When I get a chance to type up a pattern I'll post that too and I'll post it on ravelry for everyone

Boyfriend has promised to finance the one handed knitting project prototype since he has a gift card to a store I can buy the stuff at he won't use. So tempted to make this project part of my 2012 projects lol

All for now. Happy knitting.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you Irish or Irish for a day people!!!
Swim meet today, maybe get some knitting done while I'm there.  Possible going out tonight so no knitting then. lol

Enjoy the day! Be a little green today!
(Of course I'm like more than 50% Irish and will be wearing red today for the swim meet... long as it isn't orange I guess)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Not too disappointed

Didn't get that job I was looking for. BUT I will use this as motivation to find a way to create the one handed knitter. I think that might be more important than making more money or living closer to home. That's not sarcasm either. I want people to be able to do different two handed crafts even if they've had a stroke or they were born with one arm (or if I think hard enough no hands). It's unfortunate these things happen to these people but it shouldn't keep them from doing things they may love to do. I have sketches already for one of the tools and from working with my clients at work I'll not only have guinea pigs to try stuff out (they love new things as much as anyone else if not more sometimes) I can watch how some of them move an function to get a better idea of how some tools need to work.
All for now

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Knitting and swimming and Spring time OH MY!

So yesterday was crazy warm. Tie dyed tshirts with my guys at work. Not was fun. We now have a brightly colored ramp... But still fun.
As you can see from my picture slowly making headway on the glove. Dylan told me to finish it before I decide I don't like how it turned out. I'm kind of liking it. But I feel like its too small for my hand when I try to put it on. I may have to just switch to bigger needles when I get to the cables part. We'll see. I may still take it apart because if I say down and just knit uninterrupted I could probably get the whole thing done in like an hour or two (maybe more...). I've got vocal rehearsal tonight so I'll have down time at play practice to knit a little. As long a my double shows up and stays til we're done

Hope you enjoy the gloves. Hopefully be done this one by this weekend (if I'm lucky. TONIGHT!)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Teenage Mutant Ninja.... gloves?

Changed my mind about the gloves.  I'm leaving them as is, and I'll just add more stitches on the NEXT glove so it fits better, because these are for me, so I don't care how they differ as much as if I was giving them away or selling them.

Made dinner with my dad for bear, her husband, mom, my boyfriend, and inadverntently, the little bear (she eats through momma bear obviously, lol, horrible joke, I know).  Spagetti and meat balls, been doing that for the last hour (maybe longer) so I have not been knitting.

Weekend was crazy, helped with the last weekend of my friends show.  The small children that I did the hair and makeup for were all in tears at the end of the show because the 8th graders were done with the shows forever and most of the little kids were coming up to me going, "I'M GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH KELLY!!!!!" and giving me hugs, most of them through tears, not crying for me obviously, I told a few of them to get a grip because they would see the rest of the cast Monday at school, lol.  Due to my entertaining these small children during the show, and making sure they didn't miss their scene (one did, because she didn't listen when I told her to get ready.  That resulted in a tiny panic attack and her in TEARS for like 5 minutes while her mother tried to calm her down) I did not get much knitting done.  I had dinner with Dylan between the two shows Saturday so I didn't knit there... at all.  I curled and straigthen 6-12 yr old's hair, lol.  And explained why they can't use brown makeup on their face when they have pale skin, it just doesn't work on their porcelain looking faces.

Almost done ONE glove, gonna wing it from here with the thumb.  Gonna do it COMPLETELY without a pattern and just from my memories of how I made them before.

Dylan is watching me update this blog as I type.  He keeps distracting me.  He told me to put the teenage mutant ninja turtle label.  I may ACTUALLY make something tmnt related now that I've put it on here... lol.  We'll see, Dylan, maybe it'll be a hat or something for you, lol.


Not loving the cables so much

So I got so into the cable routine that I went farther than I wanted and now I'm like "hmmm..." and wishing I had done a lace effect with the gloves instead. Seeing as the gloves aren't taking long I think I'm gonna take it apart Andre start with a smaller cuff an some Lacey crazy colored gloves. Dislike the tedious work of following Patterns but they do work if you follow ten right... I enjoy making up my own patterns more than following ones. I like not knowing how something will turn out but it does cause some unexpected results. Decisions decisions. I'll take pictures and you can all decide. I may have to take it apart either way because the gloves seem too small. I'll think about it. Decide what to do

Friday, March 9, 2012

I do love cables

So I'm making the Kelly dyed yarn into fingerless gloves. Dylan likes them coming a little past my wrists so that's how they'll be. Lots of cables in them. This is the second time in typing this entry as I did it perfect like 10 minutes ago and it just wouldn't save. SO WE TRY AGAIN
I'm using the left over yarn from my moms scarf to make leg warmers. No just keep looking at it going "you'd make warm leg warmers". for those days when I have to wear a skirt and KNOW that stockings just won't keep me warm that day. Should be fun.
I read over previous entries and saw about a job I was thinking of taking. I didn't take the job and now am waiting to hear how the interview I went to on Wednesday (where I posted saying I was bored as I waited) went and if they'll offer me the job. I'm excited because it feels right. Who knows. Fingers crossed
Below are the pictures of my current project. Knitting up faster than I thought. There's 2 that look alike but it's only because one how's the ACTUAL color correctly even though it's blurry.